Bus Tickets offered by West Seattle Food Bank
Bus Tickets offered by West Seattle Food Bank
Provides packs of King County Metro bus tickets for low-income individuals and families. Clients may only receive bus tickets once every 12 months.
Physical Address
3419 Southwest Morgan Street, Seattle, WA 98126
Call: M-F, 9am-3pm. In person appointment times are flexible.
Application process
Leave name and phone number on Hotline. Voicemail open from the 1st to 7th of each month. No drop-in services provided.
Those with a Seattle mailing address in ZIP codes 98106, 98116, 98126, 98136 and 98146, whether inside or outside Seattle city limits. Does not serve residents of Burien. Also serves people who are homeless in the West Seattle area; no verification of address required. Income must be at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level. Must demonstrate need for transportation assistance.
Interpreter services
Service area
98146 98116 98126 98106 98136
Agency info
West Seattle Food Bank
Provides emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities and bus tickets to residents of West Seattle. Operates The Clothesline which provides free clothing and shoes for infants, children and adults in the Seattle metropolitan area. Operates a food pantry with baby items.