Homelessness Prevention offered by YWCA Seattle King Snohomish The Willows
Homelessness Prevention offered by YWCA Seattle King Snohomish The Willows
Provides case management and financial assistance for renters within Seattle city limits who are at imminent risk of losing their housing and who have exhausted all efforts and resources elsewhere. Also assists with utility payments for those with a shut-off or disconnection notice. Program helps renters: - Stabilize housing and maintain a permanent residence - Develop and implement personal and professional skills and goals that will lead to economic self-sufficiency and personal success
Physical Address
3800 South Myrtle Street, Seattle, WA 98118
Voicemail only.
Application process
-Call on the first of the month to leave a message with name, phone number and ZIP code. - Leaving a message does not guarantee assistance. - All calls are returned in the order messages are received. - Based current capacity and available funding
-Residents living within Seattle city limits. -Does not serve unincorporated parts of Seattle which may include the following zip codes: 98178 98106 98126 98146 98133 98168 -Must be age 18 or older. - Must be having an immediate housing crisis and be willing to work with a case manager. - Clients who received financial assistance from another program within the past few years are encouraged to reconnect with the same agency that assisted previously. Income not required to apply for assistance. - Must have lease agreement or utility bill in a household member's name
Interpreter services
Service area
Seattle, WA
Agency info
YWCA Seattle King Snohomish's The Willows
Provides case management and financial assistance to Seattle renters who are currently at imminent risk of eviction. Helps them to stabilize their housing and maintain a permanent residence; develop and implement goals that will lead to economic self-sufficiency and personal success, and personal and professional skills. Also helps with utility bill assistance.