Homeless Student Liaison offered by Renton School District No. 403

Homeless Student Liaison offered by Renton School District No. 403

Ensures that youth experiencing homelessness have the opportunity to succeed in school by organizing transportation to their school of origin or assisting them with enrollment in their local school without delay.  Also provides referrals to health care, dental, mental health and other appropriate services.   Homeless students cannot be penalized for infractions, such as absenteeism, that relate to their homelessness.   Under the McKinney-Vento act, students must be allowed to attend their school of origin "to the extent feasible. " Factors that may be considered include:   -  The age of the child or youth -  The impact the commute may have on the student's education -  Personal safety issues -  The student's need for special instruction -  Length of anticipated stay in temporary shelter or other temporary location -  Time remaining in the school year District boundaries are not a factor in the decision.   Homeless students also have the right to be enrolled in their local school "immediately" even if they do not have a parent or guardian, proof of residency, immunization records, school records or other documents normally required to enroll in school.  Once students are enrolled, the liaison must help students get records from the last school and any medical records.

Physical Address

300 Southwest 7th Street, Renton, WA 98057


M-F, 7:30am-4:30pm. Summer: M-F, 7:30am-4pm.

Application process

Talk to a counselor at student's local school or contact the district homeless liaison.




Families or unaccompanied minors who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence: -  Temporarily sharing housing -  Living in motels or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative accommodations -  Using as a nighttime residence a public or private place not ordinarily designed for sleeping -  Living in emergency shelters or transitional housing -  Awaiting foster care placement

Service area

Renton, WA

Agency info

Renton School District No. 403

Provides basic education, an alternative high school, a Head Start program as well as the Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP).