Child and Family Counseling offered by Akin at Renton

Child and Family Counseling offered by Akin at Renton

Provides child and family counseling for youth, ages birth through 24. Can provide services at many area schools and in the community, as well as at any Akin site. Common issues are depression, school behavior problems, and family conflicts.

Physical Address

1025 South 3rd Street, Renton, WA 98057


M-F, 9am-5pm.

Application process

Make a referral online or call. Students age 13 or older may self-refer without parent permission.


Accepts WA Apple Health (Medicaid).


Must have active Medicaid/Apple Health as sole insurance. Must reside in one of the following zip codes: 98001 98002 98003 98030 98031 98032 98035 98042 98047 98055 98056 98057 98058 98059 98063 98064 98071 98092 98093 98101 98102 98104 98106 98108 98109 98112 98116 98118 98119 98121 98122 98124 98126 98134 98136 98138 98144 98146 98148 98154 98158 98164 98166 98168 98178 98181 98188 98191 98198 98199.

Service area

98199 98198 98191 98188 98181 98178 98168 98166 98164 98158 98154 98148 98146 98144 98138 98136 98134 98126 98124 98122 98121 98119 98118 98116 98112 98109 98108 98106 98104 98102 98101 98093 98092 98071 98064 98063 98059 98058 98057 98056 98055 98047 98042 98035 98032 98031 98030 98003 98002 98001 King, WA

Agency info


Akin is dedicated to helping children and families across Washington state strengthen and grow together.