Education Services offered at Somali Community Services of Seattle

Education Services offered at Somali Community Services of Seattle

Provides housing assistance, ESL classes, basic computer skills classes and job readiness computer classes. Limited child care may be available.

Physical Address

8810 Renton Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118


M-F, 9am-5pm. Programs: M-F, 9am-5pm Sa, 11am-3pm, by appointment .

Application process

Call or visit in person or email




Primarily refugees immigrants and other low incomes families.




Service area

King, WA

Agency info

Somali Community Services of Seattle

Provides housing referral and support primarily to refugee and immigrant families. Serves lunch for older adults. Provides peer counseling, job search assistance, ESL classes, computer classes, Somali language classes and parenting education classes that assist with family conflict. Offers after-school tutoring and a homework program for youth. Case managers can assist with immigration requirements, filling out forms and applications, translation and interpretation, and cultural and behavioral orientations.