LEP Employment Services offered by Refugee Federation Service Center in Kent
Offers employment training and vocational ESL for refugees; serves low-income refugees and immigrants making 80% of the state's median income or below.
Acts as a direct referral from DSHS Community Service Offices for refugees new to the system who need employment services.
Services include pre-employment training, vocational English as a second language (ESL) classes, skills training, job placement and customized employment training in specific fields, such as hotel housekeeping.
Employment Services offered by Diocese of Olympia's Refugee Resettlement Office
Provides job counseling and placement for refugees.
Clients are individually prepared and counseled to work effectively in the workforce through English Improvement classes and Job Readiness training.
The Refugee Employment Project services include the following:
- comprehensive job readiness program
- job placement
- retention services
- workplace skills training
- social services
Provides job training, job placement assistance and ongoing coaching for career advancement in the banking industry. The eight-week training is followed by placement assistance in one of 26 partner banks and credit unions.
Offers a free eight-week program consisting of job training and job placement assistance, as well as ongoing career coaching for career advancement in the financial services sector.
Services also include banking career navigation assistance, coaching, mentoring, career advancement and job retention support for up to one year after placement.
The program leads to direct hire by one of 26 bank and credit union partners in the following positions:
- Customer Service Representative
- Personal Banker
- Relationship Banker
- Relationship Manager
Employment & Training Services offered by WorkSource in Auburn One-Stop Center
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.
Offers a wide variety of services for job seekers, from individual job search assistance to an extensive list of workshops designed to help job search preparedness. Announcements of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online.
Provides computer access to apply for Washington State Unemployment Insurance.
Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining.
Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
Other services may include the following:
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships.
Veterans Program offered by WorkSource at Auburn One-Stop Center
Helps veterans and their spouses find jobs and gives them priority access to WorkSource services, including assistance with job search skills, career counseling and referrals to training and other resources.
Administers the Jobs for Veteran State Grant program, a nationwide program designed to provide assistance to veterans transitioning from one career to another. Provides counseling, resources, employment connections, community partnership advocacy and virtual tools to assist in meeting the veterans’ preferred transitional career goals.
Gives veterans and their spouses priority access to WorkSource services, including the following:
- Job listings, job referrals and hiring events for private sector, city, state and Federal careers
- Job coaching for resume, application perfecting, strategies for success, wage negotiations and interviewing assistance
- Use of computers, photocopiers and phones onsite
- Skill assessments and referrals to training and other resources
In addition, the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program provides intensive case management and employment readiness services to transitioning service members, veterans and qualifying spouses with significant barriers to employment.
Local Veterans Employment Representatives Conduct outreach to employers to promote the recruitment and hiring of veterans; partner with Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Commerce to implement employer campaigns to hire veterans and inform federal contractors on process and requirements for recruitment of veterans.
Employment Services offered by TRAC Associates in Tacoma
Offers job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services. Special programs available for low-income adults, people with disabilities, veterans, refugees or DSHS clients.
Matches employers to job seekers by providing employment services.
Services include job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services.
Offers these services through direct referral and coordination of city, county, state and federal programs.
Also offers employer services, including screening of potential applicants, supervisory training and outplacement services.
Programs include the following employment services.
Not all services offered at all locations:
Community Jobs Initiative (CJI)
Offers paid (minimum wage) internships to job seekers looking to build skills for employment.
Participants must currently receive TANF cash assistance of DSHS - Community Services Office.
This program is implemented through extensive partnerships among state agencies (including DSHS, Employment Security, and the Board of Community and Technical Colleges).
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Services (DVR).
Provides vocational assessment, internship development, and monitoring and job placement services for adults with disabilities who are referred by DSHS - DVR counselors.
Limited English Pathway Placement Services
Offers job readiness workshops, job placement services, skills trainings, and job retention and county wage progression services as well as English language class referrals for King and Snohomish adults with limited English.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and either a refugee with documentation or currently receive TANF cash assistance from DSHS - Community Services Offices.
This is a program of DSHS and the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA).
Veterans Administration Placement Services Employment and training assessment, job placement and job retention services for service connected disabled veterans referred by the Veterans Administration.
Contact Harriet Klein (206) 443-9999 for more information.
Workers Compensation Services Provides vocational assessment, vocational plan development, and monitoring of vocational training programs for injured workers referred by Washington State Labor and Industries Department, including the Office of Workers Compensation Programs.
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Services/Dislocated Worker Services.
Provides job readiness workshops, job placement services, vocational training, and job retention services for adults.
Employment Services offered by TRAC Associates in Tukwila
Offers job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services. Special programs available for low-income adults, people with disabilities, veterans, refugees or DSHS clients.
Matches employers to job seekers by providing employment services.
Services include job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services.
Offers these services through direct referral and coordination of city, county, state and federal programs.
Also offers employer services, including screening of potential applicants, supervisory training and outplacement services.
Programs include the following employment services.
Not all services offered at all locations:
Community Jobs Initiative (CJI)
Offers paid (minimum wage) internships to job seekers looking to build skills for employment.
Participants must currently receive TANF cash assistance of DSHS - Community Services Office.
This program is implemented through extensive partnerships among state agencies (including DSHS, Employment Security, and the Board of Community and Technical Colleges).
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Services (DVR).
Provides vocational assessment, internship development, and monitoring and job placement services for adults with disabilities who are referred by DSHS - DVR counselors.
Limited English Pathway Placement Services
Offers job readiness workshops, job placement services, skills trainings, and job retention and county wage progression services as well as English language class referrals for King and Snohomish adults with limited English.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and either a refugee with documentation or currently receive TANF cash assistance from DSHS - Community Services Offices.
This is a program of DSHS and the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA).
Veterans Administration Placement Services Employment and training assessment, job placement and job retention services for service connected disabled veterans referred by the Veterans Administration.
Contact Harriet Klein (206) 443-9999 for more information.
Workers Compensation Services Provides vocational assessment, vocational plan development, and monitoring of vocational training programs for injured workers referred by Washington State Labor and Industries Department, including the Office of Workers Compensation Programs.
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Services/Dislocated Worker Services.
Provides job readiness workshops, job placement services, vocational training, and job retention services for adults.
Job Resource Center offered by Seattle Public Library at Central Library
Provides online resources to help Seattle residents find work. Helps them discover interests, explore careers, prepare a resume, find educational opportunities and locate jobs.
Provides online resources to help Seattle residents find work.
Resources help library users:
- Explore occupational interests and match them with career paths
- Investigate thousands of career paths
- Build, save, retrieve and update a professional resume and list of references
- Find educational opportunities
- Find jobs
Center for Career Connections offered at Bellevue College
Offers career education classes and workshops, educational planning, and personal growth classes.
Offers help with:
- Exploring college majors
- Planning a career path
- Finding an internship or job
- Finding resources to fund education
Educational Planning and Advising offers:
- Transfer advising
- Schedule planning
- Educational goal setting
Human Development Studies provides courses in:
- College survival
- Assertiveness training
- Self-esteem training
- Personal growth groups
- Interpersonal relations
- Stress management
CareerWork$ Ready offered by YWCA Seattle King Snohomish
Provides a 3-week online job readiness course, combined with one-on-one job placement assistance. Program covers job readiness skills, 30-second commercials, revamping resumes, networking, interviewing, communication skills, online applications, Microsoft Office skills, soft skills and more.
Provides a 3-week online job readiness course, combined with one-on-one job placement assistance. Program covers job readiness skills, 30-second commercials, revamping resumes, networking, interviewing, communication skills, online applications, Microsoft Office skills, soft skills and more.
Homeless Employment Project offered by YWCA Seattle King Snohomish
Provides job search & job placement assistance for people who are experiencing homelessness or who are unstably housed.
Provides job search & job placement assistance for people who are experiencing homelessness or who are unstably housed. Program includes a full range of individualized employment and support services needed to achieve self-sufficiency and stable housing.
Workfirst Programs offered by YWCA Seattle King Snohomish
Offers both paid and unpaid on-the-job work experience internships for parents making the transition from welfare/TANF dependency to self-sufficiency.
Offers both paid and unpaid on-the-job work experience internships for parents making the transition from welfare/TANF dependency to self-sufficiency. Internships provide a supportive work environment to build job skills, employment references and work history. Includes pre-employment job readiness training, educational support, career navigation assistance and unsubsidized job placement assistance.
Career Bridge offered at Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Provides assistance with job readiness, job search, work training and labor market information through workshops, computer resources and case management.
Offers a 5-week program providing assistance with job readiness, job search, work training and labor market information through workshops, computer resources and case management. Program participants may also get assistance with obtaining work-appropriate clothing.
Workshops and case management offer the following services to all students enrolled:
- Mentorship Life Skills & Training
- Earn Certifications (Industrial First Aid/CPR, Flaggers, Food Handler Permit)
- Financial Empowerment
- Resume & Cover Letter Assistance
- Job Connections
- Wrap-Around Services
Job announcements provided are current postings from private industry, city, county and state employers.
Information Referral and Case Management offered by Horn of Africa Services at Rainier
Helps East African refugees and immigrants access social services through multi-lingual and culturally appropriate information, advocacy and referrals to local resources.
Helps East African refugees access social services through multi-lingual and culturally appropriate information, advocacy and referrals to local resources. Provides individualized case management to clients seeking the most necessary of services.
Services provided include:
- Housing: Assistance with housing applications and shelter referrals including Section 8 & low-income housing applications
- Immigration services: Green Card applications and renewals, travel document applications & citizenship paperwork
- Utilities: Assistance with utility discount application
- Employment: Resume building and employment searches
- Assistance with DSHS benefits and WA Health Plan Finder applications
Non-Commercial Community Bulletin Board offered by Craigslist.org
Offers a free online community resource where individuals can help each other out with everyday stuff. Users can post and respond to ads for jobs, housing, household goods, etc.
Offers a free online community resource where users can post, respond to and search for various listings that include:
- Personals
- Discussion forums
- Classifieds for jobs
- Events
- Miscellaneous free items
- Items for sale
- Housing (real estate, rentals)
- Services
Women's Center offered at Mary's Place Women's Day Center
Provides day shelter to women, with or without children. Offers meals, showers, hygiene items, nursing services, telephone, mail and clothing. Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Provides wrap around services to single women and those that identify as female, without children.
Provides meals, showers, restrooms, hygiene items, telephone, mail service, bus tickets and emergency clothing.
Showers and restrooms are ADA accessible.
Works to connect clients to shelter, housing, employment, support groups, treatment options, counseling, transportation, ESL classes and schools. Clients can set an appointment to meet with Housing Advocate for assistance with the following:
- Housing applications and organization of necessary paperwork
- Information and referral for short- and long-term housing options
- Current information on housing waiting lists
Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
First Year and Career Services Center offered at Seattle Central College
Offers career planning resources, including computerized career guidance and college scholarship information.
The First Year and Career Services offer career exploration and advising to Seattle Central students. We can help:
- Explore career opportunities, interests, and academic pathways to get there.
- Provide academic guidance to first year and undecided students on class selection and potential areas of study.
- Develop resume and cover letter writing skills, & prepare for interviews.
- Discuss networking, job search methods, and scholarship resources.
Employment and Adult Education Department offered by Neighborhood House at Rainier Vista
Provides bilingual assistance with job applications, job searches and interviews.
Also offers ESL classes as well as employment skills workshops.
Provides employment and adult education services to connect community members with meaningful employment at livable wages and other opportunities to build critical skills.
Employment case managers and economic empowerment coaches help set goals and viable steps to achieve them.
Partners with local community colleges and other partners to connect individuals to vocational training, internship programs, and help with job placement.
Basic Food Employment and Training Program offered by YWCA Seattle King Snohomish
Offers job search assistance, job placement and vocational training assistance for individuals receiving federal food benefits (Basic Food/SNAP). Partners with King County colleges and vocational institutes, BankWork$ and the YWCA's Homeless Employment Program.
Offers job search assistance, job placement and vocational training assistance for individuals receiving federal food benefits (Basic Food/SNAP). Partners with King County colleges and vocational institutes, BankWork$ and the YWCA's Homeless Employment Program.
Employment Matching Program offered at Northshore Senior Center - Bothell
Places older adult workers with individuals or businesses looking for a trained, reliable workforce.
Places older adult workers with individuals looking for a trained, reliable workforce. Workers have been thoroughly interviewed and had a Washington State Patrol check completed.
Workforce Development Services offered at Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Provides tuition/books, advising, career and education planning, job search assistance, and resources and referrals. Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Opportunity Grant and BFET programs available.
Provides tuition/books, advising, career and education planning, job search assistance, and resources and referrals.
Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, Opportunity Grant, and BFET programs available.
Employment Services offered by TRAC Associates in Seattle
Offers job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services. Special programs available for low-income adults, people with disabilities, veterans, refugees or DSHS clients.
Matches employers to job seekers by providing employment services.
Services include job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services.
Offers these services through direct referral and coordination of city, county, state and federal programs.
Also offers employer services, including screening of potential applicants, supervisory training and outplacement services.
Programs include the following employment services.
Not all services offered at all locations:
Community Jobs Initiative (CJI)
Offers paid (minimum wage) internships to job seekers looking to build skills for employment.
Participants must currently receive TANF cash assistance of DSHS - Community Services Office.
This program is implemented through extensive partnerships among state agencies (including DSHS, Employment Security, and the Board of Community and Technical Colleges).
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Services (DVR).
Provides vocational assessment, internship development, and monitoring and job placement services for adults with disabilities who are referred by DSHS - DVR counselors.
Limited English Pathway Placement Services
Offers job readiness workshops, job placement services, skills trainings, and job retention and county wage progression services as well as English language class referrals for King and Snohomish adults with limited English.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and either a refugee with documentation or currently receive TANF cash assistance from DSHS - Community Services Offices.
This is a program of DSHS and the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA).
Veterans Administration Placement Services Employment and training assessment, job placement and job retention services for service connected disabled veterans referred by the Veterans Administration.
Contact Harriet Klein (206) 443-9999 for more information.
Workers Compensation Services Provides vocational assessment, vocational plan development, and monitoring of vocational training programs for injured workers referred by Washington State Labor and Industries Department, including the Office of Workers Compensation Programs.
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Services/Dislocated Worker Services.
Provides job readiness workshops, job placement services, vocational training, and job retention services for adults.